Wednesday, 11 May 2011

ITV's Lorraine and Dr Hilary feature the Lightning Process

Lovely story of Ginetta who had been ill with m.e for 7 years covered by ITV today. They filmed before and 5 weeks after the LP. She went from barely being well enough to look after or play with her daughter to being able to have enough energy to be a full time mum and go out and do whatever she wants.
see video on www.lightningprocess or you tube

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Dû book; A doctor's opinion

Phil Parker’s latest book is extremely educational and presents a practical philosophy on life changing language patterns.

I've seen patients stuck in disabling dysfunctions achieve outstanding objective improvements in their health through practising these very considerate and careful suggestions.

I hope the importance of this innovative approach to medical health will spread rapidly to the practice of medicine and to all who need it. I feel we are in dire need of it.

Dr Susy Mikkelsen, MD, Musculo Skeletal Medicine Specialist

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Dû book; last day at pre order price...

Prof Dan Moerman, Author of Meaning, Medicine and the 'Placebo Effect' says of the Dû book:

"Phil Parker has a way with words, and can teach you how to take command of your emotions, feelings, and hangups. Very cool!"

This will be the last day at pre order price...

Friday, 25 March 2011

Pyscho neuro immunology

New video up on this fascinating subject and the research behind it

new videos

Some more videos just up. One on the phrase "it's just not possible" and how this is used to attack new ideas;
If you have the time please vote for them. This is one good way of stemming the disgraceful tide of abuse that people who've done the LP and got well are sometimes exposed to... and ...then go and enjoy the sunshine!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Talking to some leading thinkers

I was very privileged to have had some contact this week with two very smart and influential thinkers, Ellen Langer and Dan Moerman.
Ellen's, a professor in the Psychology Department at Harvard University, work is amazing, her pioneering research into the effect of having some control in the simplest of choices in your life on your health led her to examine the relationship between the mind and the body. From her book Mindfulness;
'A much more pernicious loss of choice and control is brought about by repeated failure.  After a number of experiences in which our efforts are futile, many of us will give up.  Well-known research by psychologist Martin Seligman and others shows that this learned helplessness then generalizes to situations where the person can, in fact, exercise control.  Even when solutions are available, a mindless sense of futility prevents a person from reconsidering the situation.  The person remains passive in the face of situations that could easily be handled without undue difficulty.  Past experience determines present reactions and robs the individual of control.   . . .

Learned helplessness was originally demonstrated in rats.  When placed in ice water, they have no difficulty swimming around for forty to sixty hours.  However, if, instead of being put immediately into the water, the rats are held until they stop struggling, something very different happens.  Instead of swimming, these rats give up immediately and drown.'

Dan Moerman, Professor of Anthropology University of Michigan-Dearborn, has looked extensively at what goes on when we take a treatment; he's looked at the medicine of non western and western cultures, and collated a lot of the research on 'placebos'. He points out that true 'placebos' are completely inert and therefore can have no effect, hence the phrase 'placebo effect' makes no sense; instead he suggest we use the term 'meaning response'.

Both Dan's and Ellen's seminal work have had a strong influence on the contents of my forthcoming "dû" book

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Asthma and the Lightning Process

This in from last week..

Observing the Lightning Process

Angie brought her son Cameron to London to do the Lightning Process. Although she only observed the Lightning Process, she says:

"I have come off both my inhalers, the antihistamines and other medication that I've been taking for years to control my asthma and allergies.  I happily brought Cameron to the LP as an observer and enabler and have come away with lots to think about for myself which is a massive bonus!  I thought I was living a life I loved before we came to London but now realise I was only 'playing' at it - the LP has taken me to a new level of realisation".

thanks to Simon for this post. Once again it shows the power of the PNI (pyscho neuro immunological) link.
I wish they'd find another word for this , psycho just conjurers up all the wrong images for me ;)

Friday, 18 March 2011


I've just posted a new video all about my idea of 'State Genius' to youtube; tell your friends to visit   ;)
and have a great weekend

Denying the truth of illness

For years people with ME and CFS fought long and hard against the prejudice that declared them to be ‘pretending to be ill’. These pioneers played a vital role in the recognition of this illness as very real physical illness which needed to be taken seriously.

It’s sadly ironic therefore to now see some ‘activists’ commenting on people who had recovered from ME and CFS using the Lightning Process, or other means, as “never really having been properly ill”. It seems the basis for this opinion is that because they have now got better and that this somehow denies the reality of that illness; suggesting you can only really have it if you never recover from it.  It such a shame they don’t have the generosity to hear other people’s recovery rather as good news for that individual and a sign of hope that there are solutions for this very real and debilitating condition out there.
In the most recent case of this mean spirited commentary someone, much as I predicted, let me know of their opinion that actually the person in question, Hannah, was never really ill.
It's quite amazing how well they claim to know someone else's personal health records and how much better their medical diagnosis is than consultants in the field. According to this ‘expert’ Hannah “only had fatigue” in spite of being hospitalised, in a wheelchair and too weak to eat. Here’s a photo. No doubt they will say Hannah is really my mum and I photo shopped the photos! 

Where do these people get off on being so rude about other people regaining their health and lives?
Anyone suffering from illness that then gets well is a cause for celebration, whether by retro viral drugs, pacing or the LP.

Enough of this insulting and disgusting behaviour.

New Lightning Process blog

Hi it's Phil here.
I've set up this new Lightning Process blog as it seems that google likes to have blogs with hyphens in their title.
I'll be blogging here on all the exciting developments in Lightning Process.
Check out my most recent LP videos on you tube

Lightning Process and research.
Lightning Process, why I felt it need to be invented and why some people find it's success almost too groundbreaking.
Lightning Process; how it sees ME /CFS as a physical illness and how it could help viral infections