Friday, 18 March 2011

Denying the truth of illness

For years people with ME and CFS fought long and hard against the prejudice that declared them to be ‘pretending to be ill’. These pioneers played a vital role in the recognition of this illness as very real physical illness which needed to be taken seriously.

It’s sadly ironic therefore to now see some ‘activists’ commenting on people who had recovered from ME and CFS using the Lightning Process, or other means, as “never really having been properly ill”. It seems the basis for this opinion is that because they have now got better and that this somehow denies the reality of that illness; suggesting you can only really have it if you never recover from it.  It such a shame they don’t have the generosity to hear other people’s recovery rather as good news for that individual and a sign of hope that there are solutions for this very real and debilitating condition out there.
In the most recent case of this mean spirited commentary someone, much as I predicted, let me know of their opinion that actually the person in question, Hannah, was never really ill.
It's quite amazing how well they claim to know someone else's personal health records and how much better their medical diagnosis is than consultants in the field. According to this ‘expert’ Hannah “only had fatigue” in spite of being hospitalised, in a wheelchair and too weak to eat. Here’s a photo. No doubt they will say Hannah is really my mum and I photo shopped the photos! 

Where do these people get off on being so rude about other people regaining their health and lives?
Anyone suffering from illness that then gets well is a cause for celebration, whether by retro viral drugs, pacing or the LP.

Enough of this insulting and disgusting behaviour.


  1. Well said phil. This is outrageous as we should celebrate peoples recovery! I don't think people have any right to question how poorly I was as they never walked in my shoes. Let's stop doubting and see for ourselves the results the lightning process can help us achieve!!

  2. Hello Phil,
    Just had a look at your website and this video. Tried to comment on your blog page but I don’t understand the need to have a profile such as google account or word press etc. Perhaps others are having that problem and so you have no comments!
    At least I could cut and paste my response, as below:

    Well done.
    I'm not trained in NLP, but came across one of your practioners on a talk I was giving to a NLP support group, on the subject of Moativational Medicine and EFT, two tools I use in my practice as a chronic pain detective. I have yet to find a physical condition that is not connected to unresolved emotional stress, and which switches on the PER as you put it.
    My work involves identifying the significant emotional event and the helping the client reduce the energy charge supporting it to zero. I have found this to be the key in the immediate commencement of the individual's natural healing process.
    I will be finding out more about your process at the end of this month at the Kent and East Sussex NLP group in Tunbridge Wells.
    I hope we can keep in touch,
    With best wishes,


  3. Well said and well done. I love to read recovery stories and find the lobby which is against any form of recovery very sinister at times. I know of people, including myself, who have been threatened and harassed because of comments we have made about The Lightning Process. Hatred, bitterness and jealousy do not get people well. Recovery should be sought and no matter where it comes from, it should be embraced. I wish everyone good health and life-long happiness.
